The Undoing of Cyber Financial Crime
Snapshots, Highlights, and Experiences.

Harvard Kennedy School GRiSTS Presentation
Oct 2022
Katelyn Ma presents on Harvard Kennedy School's Graduate Research in STS Annual Conference: Technoscience in Crisis Times: Automating Trust and Distrust in the Field of Cybercrime
Peer Review for Nature Publishing Group
Oct 2022
Katelyn Ma peer reviews for Humanities and Social Sciences Communications on Cybercrime topics

Sept 2022
Katelyn Ma joins Wilfrid Laurier University as a Lecturer (Department of Criminology - Faculty of Human and Social Sciences). Teaching topics including the definitions of cybercrime, internet history, classical criminology and cybercrime, contemporary criminology and cybercrime, national and global legal responses to cybercrime, offences against computer data and systems (hacking and hacking culture), content-related offences (online pornography and child sexual assault materials), copyright infringement, digital theft, decentralization, web 3.0, cryptocurrencies and NFTs, cyber terrorism, cyber harassment, cyber forensics, cybercrime investigations and future of cybercrime.
Leading Digital Culture, Finance and Ecological Sustainability Think Tank
July 2022
Katelyn Ma is the Junior Fellow acting as a Think Tank Programme Lead for the Digital Culture, Finance and Ecological Sustainability Think Tank. Supporting United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Platform by promoting digital sustainability.

York University: STS Seminar Series
Feb 2022
York University’s Science and Technology Studies (STS) Departmental Seminar Series continues on Feb. 8 at 12:30 p.m., featuring STS graduate student Katelyn Ma. The talk is titled, “COVID-19 and cyber fraud: emerging threats during the pandemic.”
Singapore: Building Societal Resilience to Scams Official eBook
Nov 2021
Singapore's National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) highlights Katelyn Ma's research on COVID-19 and cyber fraud.

Council of Europe: Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
Nov 2021
Katelyn Ma presents on Council of Europe's Octopus Conference 2021 -- 20th Anniversary of Budapest Convention on Cybercrime -- on the topic of "Participatory Governance: Co-Creating Cyber Fraud Management Knowledge".
Harvard University: Science and Technology Studies (STS) PhD Summer School
Aug 2021
Katelyn Ma is accepted to Harvard University's STS PhD Summer School certificate program in 2021, along with 25 other distinct PhD students from all over the world.

The Crime Report: Cyberfraud Soars During Pandemic: ‘New Wine in Old Bottles’
Nov 2021
The Crime Repot features Katelyn Ma's research Cyberfraud Soars During Pandemic: ‘New Wine in Old Bottles’
The American Society of Criminology: Division of Cybercrime
March 2021
Katelyn Ma and Dr. Kyung-Shick Choi Elected to Liaisons to the Asian Society of Criminology

MIT Media Lab: Pandemic Reponse CoLab Challenge
Feb 2021
Katelyn Ma contributes to The Post COVID19 City 2021 Challenge by MIT Media Lab - Pandemic Reponse CoLab with the proposal "The Privacy Clinic: Protecting Your Information Rights to the City"
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S): STS Futures Symposium
Feb 2020
Katelyn Ma participates in the roundtable discussion as a panelist to explore the temporalities scripted into and performed through knowledge infrastructures in the context of cyber financial crime.

Center for Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity: Advisory Board
June 2018
Along with other global academics, practitioners and law enforcement agency members with extensive expertise of cybersecurity intelligence and cybercrime, Katelyn Ma joins the Advisory Board in Boston in 2018
International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Cybercrime: Editorial Board Member
Aug 2018
International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Cybercrime invited Katelyn Ma to serve on the Editorial Board